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May 31, 2024
June 2023

Wheely grateful!

A recent donation to Pathway is already proving life-changing for one of our Tū Ora.

Jenny Stevenson handing over the keys to Pathway's Randal Jordan and Luke Kenmare

Jenny Stevenson handing over the keys to Pathway's Randal Jordan and Luke Kenmare

A recent donation to Pathway is already proving life-changing for one of our Tū Ora.

Long-time Pathway supporter Jenny Stevenson recently gifted her old family car to be used how we saw fit, in what was an incredibly heart-warming gesture. Her family owned the blue Toyota Corolla for more than 20 years, but felt it was time to give it a new home.

The tidy, reliable vehicle has certainly been well cared for over its lifetime and is being put to good use by one of the men we work with, a Navigate Initiative graduate.

Each day, Pathway reintegration navigators Uelese Fa’au and Luke Kenmare would pick him up and drop him off at work, before dropping him back home at the end of the day. Uelese says having access to the vehicle has been life-changing for our client, who works at the same business he did prior to his prison sentence.

“He doesn’t stop talking about how grateful he is for the vehicle and how much it’s helped him avoid issues the boys face when there is a bit of a roadblock I guess. Essentially, that’s what out job is; lessening the roadblocks... that could cause them to go backwards.’’

It also gave him independence, which Uelese says is a crucial part of the reintegration process.

“It’s a big part of it. It’s allowed him to go freely to the different men’s groups we have in the community.’’

Our client is now saving for a car of his own, as well as a bond to get into his own accommodation. Initiatives like this are another way we can support our clients as they journey towards making a fresh start.

Thank you so much Jenny, from everyone here at Pathway!

Names have been changed.

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