Mike overcame years of substance abuse and crime with the help of the Navigate Initiative, rebuilding his life, reconnecting with family, and finding a sense of belonging.
It’s a far cry from about 20 years ago, when Mike, at the age of 12, tried alcohol and drugs for the first time. “I did it because it was something to do, because my mates did. It was cool. It made me feel spaced out and pretty good.”
His addiction started to spiral out of control and it wasn’t long before he was trapped in the cycle of daily drug and alcohol use. Mike’s family life crumbled as he became more and more distanced from them, which only fuelled his dependence. He would steal cars and shoplift to fund his habit and despite an early run-in with police when he was caught drink-driving at only 13, wasn’t concerned about the consequences. “I didn’t care. I thought it was pretty cool to get caught by the police.” Jobs came and went, but one thing remained constant - the need for a fix. “I’ve had a few jobs and stuff like that. I’d settle down a bit then I’d lose my job and get back on the drugs and alcohol.”
In 2020, things took a turn. Mike was sentenced to four-and-a-half-years jail for burglary and served just over two years. While inside he discovered the Navigate Initiative and started his journey to redemption. Mike worked hard to get his life back on track and found solace in church services behind prison walls. Pathway helped him find work at a Christchurch car dealership and helped him into short-term accommodation.
“They’ve pretty much supported me the whole time. It’s changed my life. It’s helped me find a job and have a sense of belonging.”
He’s been out for a few months, has reconnected with family, regained his self-confidence and is a regular at his local church and involved with several mens’ groups. So committed to change is Mike that he recently moved to Wellington, where he’ll live with a friend and mentor while looking for work. “It was an easy decision. I’m just going up there to get away from Christchurch and pretty much my old haunts. It’s a fresh start up there.”
*Name has been changed.
Names have been changed.
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