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Magic of the orchestra.

In early August Kiwi musician Troy Kingi performed with the CSO at the Town Hall, with some very special Tū Ora in attendance.

In early August Kiwi musician Troy Kingi performed with the CSO at the Town Hall. That made for a special night for a group of Tū Ora in the community thanks to the CSO, who invited them along after both took part in this year's in-prison concert.

Pathway partners with many organisations to deliver our life-changing reintegration programme. One of those is the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra (CSO), who we've worked closely with to deliver music workshops that have culminated in a performance behind prison walls with our Tū Ora.

In early August Kiwi musician Troy Kingi performed with the CSO at the Town Hall. That made for a special night for a group of Tū Ora in the community thanks to the CSO, who invited them along after both took part in this year's in-prison concert.

"All of them loved it," Anaru Baynes, of Pathway reintegration, says. "All of them appreciated it. Some of these men never get the chance to participate in that sort of experience. For some, it was their first concert or anything like that since release."

The Tū Ora who played with the CSO have developed strong, positive relationships with them and had the chance to speak to members of the orchestra after the performance with Kingi.

Anaru says the Tū Ora were excited about engaging with them. "The men really enjoyed that and there was all this gratitude coming through."

Opportunities like this don't come around too often for some of our Tū Ora in the community, so when they do get the chance they're all in! Anaru says outings like the Kingi and CSO concert were a big part of settling back into life on the outside.

"The anti-social community they leave can create a void, a gap. It's important they have experiences that show they belong to a wider community, where there are some cool opportunities and events. It reminds them this is their community, their city. It's always really important to have positive social experiences and fun. Fun and joy are a super important part of a good life."

Names have been changed.

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