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May 31, 2024
December 2023

Go Olga, go!

We recently took on a new team member at Pathway...

Sean and Mackenzie Barnes with Olga, the Blue Toyota Carolla.

Sean and Mackenzie Barnes with Olga, the Blue Toyota Carolla.

In case you haven't guessed, Olga is the newest addition to Pathway's fleet of vehicles!

The Toyota Corolla was kindly donated to Pathway recently by Sean Barnes, a long-time supporter of ours who came to know Pathway and our work well during his time with the Ākina Foundation, a social enterprise. Sean says he was inspired to donate Olga after reading about another Pathway supporter in a previous newsletter, Jenny Stevenson, who also donated a vehicle.

The big question on everyone's lips however is how did the name come about? "It has been our faithful second vehicle which we bought second hand from a friend of my wife's nana who was named Olga," Sean says. "She had owned the vehicle for many years, but unfortunately wasn't able to drive anymore and the car had been sitting in her garage. Our daughter Mackenzie, who was a toddler at the time, thought it was a great idea to name it after her."

The name stuck and Mackenzie gave us strict instructions not to change it!

Sean felt Olga could be put to better use at Pathway as a means of transport to and from work for the people we support, given how important reliable transport is in helping hold down a job, or get to appointments.

"We are so happy this means so much to Pathway. You never know what can come out of simple gestures and hearing the story of the other vehicle really validated that this is a meaningful thing."

To Sean and family, thank you so much for your heart-warming kindness. We hope Olga loves her new home as much as her old one!

Names have been changed.

Learn more about our social enterprise Oak Tree Devanning

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